


张志华,北京大学数学科学学院教授,北京大学计算机学院兼职教授和博士生导师,主要从事统计学、机器学习与理论计算机科学领域的研究和教学。曾多次担任NeurIPS、 ICML、ICLR 等国际重要人工智能和机器学习会议领域主席,是国际机器学习旗舰刊物Journal of Machine Learning Research的执行编委以及CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics编委,中国现场统计研究会机器学习分会理事长。已在JMLR、AI、AOS、MP等期刊以及COLT、NeurIPS、ICML、ICLR、IJCAI、AAAI、AISTATS、UAI、MLSys、KDD、CVPR、ACL、EMNLP等会议发表论文100多篇,并著有《深度强化学习》,组织翻译了《深度学习》和《人工智能:现代方法》经典教材。开放有《机器学习导论》、《统计机器学习》、《深度学习》和《强化学习》等网上公开课。








董迪,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员,博导,基金委优青;北京癌症防治学会胃癌防治专业委员会常务委员,全国医学影像领域学者论文学术影响力排名(2012~2021) Top 100学者,2022年全球前2%高引用科学家,中国图象图形学会“青年科学家”获得者,全国胃癌学术大会“未来科学家”,国家科技部重点研发计划青年科学家项目负责人。长期从事肿瘤人工智能分析的研究工作,近年来在医学领域主流SCI期刊Annals of Oncology (SCI IF: 50.5,2篇),European Respiratory Journal (SCI IF: 24.3)等上发表论文100余篇,ESI Top 1%高被引论文12篇,谷歌H因子53,研究被纳入《中国临床肿瘤学会CSCO胃癌诊疗指南》。




清华大学统计学研究中心长聘副教授,博士生导师,研究生教学主管,国家青年拔尖人才获得者。俞声长期从事医学自然语言处理、人工智能与电子病历分析技术研究。俞声开发的电子病历自然语言处理系统被10个国家和地区的医学研究机构使用。俞声发明的高通量表型提取技术使i2b2疾病表型识别算法开发速度从每年1-2个疾病提高到每年超过1000个疾病,并应用于“Million Veteran Program”等美国国家级精准医学研究项目以及多家医院的生物样本库建设;该系列论文获评医学信息学顶刊JAMIA的编辑选择奖、国际医学信息学学会2019年年鉴最佳论文奖,并按标准化生物医学实验方法发表于Nature Protocols。归国后,俞声获得多项国家基金和人才项目支持,带领团队围绕中文电子病历和智能诊疗发展了高通量知识图谱构建、电子病历分析、生物医学机器翻译、临床诊断决策支持等一系列技术,并与IDEA研究院合作,指导开发了大规模开放生物医学知识图谱BIOS,为医疗行业大数据处理与人工智能开发建立公共基础。



一种集成3D CNN模型用于肺腺癌的病理亚型识别

周静,中国人民大学统计学院副教授、博士研究生导师,应用统计科学研究中心研究员,中国现场统计研究会统计交叉科学研究分会常务理事,北京大学光华管理学院博士,研究方向为网络数据建模、人工智能在肺癌诊疗中的应用、医学图像分析等,在Npj digital medicine, BIBM, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics,Statistic Sinica,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,Neurocomputing,Science China Mathematics等nature子刊,统计学权威期刊发表论文二十余篇,授权发明专利3项,著有专著《社交网络数据:理论与实践》一本,主编两本深度学习教材《深度学习:基于Pytorch的实现》、《深度学习:从入门到精通》,主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)、北京市社会科学基金、国家统计局重大、重点等多项国家级、省部级以上课题。

我们将以上三个问题称之为肺结节诊断的3W问题(Whether,When and Which),为了解决以上问题,本研究提出了一个三阶段的EMV-3D-CNN模型。我们的模型在诊断良/恶性结节和浸润前病变/浸润性病变方面分别获得了91.3%和92.9%的AUC。尤其值得注意的是,我们的模型在浸润性腺癌的风险分级预测方面要优于影像科医生的判断,准确率达到了77.6%(即对浸润性腺癌进行的高、中、低分化三个分类)。最后,为了方便医生和患者访问,我们将提出的模型实现为基于Web的系统(https://seeyourlung.com.cn)。



张晨,清华大学工业工程系副教授。主要研究方向为基于统计学与人工智能的工业数据分析,包括复杂数据,如函数型数据、高维变量数据、网络数据、时间序列数据等的建模、因果推断与在线监控算法,研究成果发表在IISE Transactions, Journal of Quality Technology, IEEE Transactions,SIGKDD,AAAI,IJCAI等。研究成果获得美国质量协会ASQ、国际工业系统工程协会IISE、电气与电子工程师协会IEEE、运筹学和管理学研究协会INFORMS最佳论文奖十余项,获得教育部科学技术进步二等奖。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项、省部级和企业课题10余项,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程。





借助当前大语言模型技术,解析和分析碳汇领域的文档及政策。同时,将介绍如何利用RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)技术优化大模型对实时数据的处理,以提供准确、及时的碳市场信息,为碳金融市场的发展提供技术支持。




- 行业发展趋势判断与讨论;
- 智能模型在商业银行数字化营销场景中的若干应用;
- 结合当下金融行业数字化转型背景,浅谈数字化营销实践中遇见的各类问题。



北京大学物理学院本科,清华大学交叉信息研究院博士,清华大学计算机系博士后,现任交叉科技(北京)有限公司 CEO,南京恒生交叉智能信息技术有限公司 CTO。研究方向为算法设计、机器学习和量化投资。解决了计算几何领域两个开放了近二十年的未解难题:带权单位圆集合覆盖及Yao-Yao图跨度性问题。首次将机器学习的经典算法mu-SVM的时间复杂度提高到近似线性。主持参与了多个人工智能量化项目包括:清华大学-易方达人工智能投资组合构建项目、中国平安车险反欺诈项目、国信证券智能债券违约预警、恒生电子量化算法等多个项目的研发和落地等。



ModelOps 在数据科学平台的实践与应用

童毅炜,和鲸科技产品副总监,关注ModelOps在开放科研、AI for Science等场景下的应用与实践。

数据科学研究的复现往往依赖于数据、环境和代码,大模型兴起之后,部分研究对于算力的依赖也更为紧密。基于 ModelOps 的视角,我们可以利用云计算相关技术对算力、环境、数据等科研资料进行更有效的管理与整合。与此同时,算法模型作为相对较新的研究产出,其作为成果的生命周期管理和内部自制科研工具的流转,也应该纳入科研模型开发应用平台的考量。




1. 探讨应用层面从大模型到智能体的演变过程
2. 介绍智能体的核心构成
3. 介绍基于Agently框架的智能体能力应用案例
4. 介绍基于Agently框架开发智能体的思想和方法


Polars - Modern DataFrame


Polars 是一个类似 Pandas 的 Python 的 DataFrame 库。一般在 Pandas 中只能使用单个 CPU 内核来执行操作。Polars 可以利用机器上多个 CPU ,自动并行执行用户定义的数据运算流。系统内置的查询优化器,可以减少了不必要的内存分配,减少重复运算。Polars 还支持用流式计算的方式,处理超过系统内存大小的超大数据集。



张先轶,博士,本科和硕士毕业于北京理工大学,博士毕业于中国科学院大学,曾于中科院软件所工作,之后分别在UT Austin和MIT进行博士后研究工作。国际知名开源矩阵计算项目OpenBLAS发起人和主要维护者。中国计算机学会高性能计算专业委员会委员,ACM SIGHPC China执行委员。2016年,创办PerfXLab澎峰科技,提供异构计算软件栈与解决方案。2016年获得中国计算机学会科学技术二等奖,2017年获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖,2020年获得美国SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing最佳论文奖。


Rachel Hu

Build enterprise-grade LLMs on your private data

Rachel Hu is the Co-founder & CEO of CambioML (YC S23). Previously, she was an Applied Scientist and developed LLMs at AWS AI. She also co-authored open-source ML projects, including D2L.ai (100k+ MAU), and served as a senior speaker for AWS. She received her master's degree in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley, and her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

Are you interested in building your own enterprise-grade LLMs using your private data? In this talk, we will have a quick demo showing you how to train a customized AI agent on your private data via CambioML open-source toolkits. You will see how to use our open-source library, uniflow, to transform unstructured data (e.g., HTML, PDF, etc.) into structured question-answer (QA) pairs, then use our open-source library, pykoi, to finetune your own customized LLMs on the QA pairs with a few lines of Python code via RLHF.








人工智能的发展已经进入大模型时代,通用大模型已经在多个领域发挥作用。大模型的不断发展对算力产生了更多的需求。本次报告将介绍无问芯穹在大模型软硬件协同优化的最新进展,包括:1. 长文本训练与推理,从支持2k token的快速训练和推理到支持128k+ token的系统能力;2. 嵌入式优化,把语言或多模态生成模型部署到消费级显卡甚至手机等终端设备上;3. 一站式部署,高效部署工具链让大模型能够以低人力成本地部署到各种场景。



弋力博士,现任清华大学交叉信息研究院助理教授。他在斯坦福大学取得博士学位,导师为Leonidas J. Guibas教授,毕业后在谷歌研究院任研究科学家。在此之前,他在清华大学电子工程系取得了学士学位。他近期的研究兴趣涵盖三维视觉和具身人工智能,他的研究目标是使智能机器人具备理解三维世界并与之互动的能力。他在计算机视觉、计算机图形学以及机器学习领域的顶级会议发表论文五十余篇,并担任CVPR 2022、CVPR 2023、IJCAI 2023、NeurIPS 2023领域主席。他的工作在领域内得到广泛关注,引用数18000+,代表作品包括ShapeNet Part,光谱图CNN,PointNet++等。



Visual and Tactile Sim2Real^2 for Embodied AI


Visual sensing and tactile sensing are the two most important sensory methods for humans to percept and interact with the environment. Visual sensing provides global geometric and semantic information of the environment, while tactile sensing provides local geometric information and contact force information during interactions. How to effectively utilize these two different yet complementary sensory signals to enhance the interactive ability of intelligent robots in real environments is a cutting-edge problem for both academia and industry. This talk will introduce the speaker’s recent progress in this direction, which mainly includes: 3D sensing and sim2real; a bidirectional sim-real transfer method for vision-based tactile sensors; and a robot active manipulation framework by digital twinning.



许华哲博士现为清华大学交叉信息研究院助理教授,博士后就读于斯坦福大学,博士毕业于加州大学伯克利分校。其研究领域是具身人工智能(Embodied AI)的理论、算法与应用,具体研究方向包括深度强化学习、机器人学、基于感知的控制(Sensorimotor)等。其科研围绕具身人工智能的关键环节,系统性地研究了视觉深度强化学习在决策中的理论、模仿学习中的算法设计和高维视觉预测中的模型和应用,对解决具身人工智能领域中数据效率低和泛化能力弱等核心问题做出多项贡献。其发表顶级会议论文四十余篇,代表性工作曾被MIT Tech Review,Stanford HAI等媒体报道。曾在IJCAI2023、ICRA2024担任领域主席/副主编。

这次报告将探讨如何在机器人操作中将视觉基础模型(visual foundation models)和语言模型(LLMs)进行整合。我们讨论了这些模型如何增强机器人操纵,例如生成视觉目标、寻找物体对应关系(correspondence),甚至生成模拟任务。通过利用提示调整和适应技术,我们发现这些基础模型中的先验知识对简化人类设计机器人任务的各个方面非常有帮助,进一步地提升了机器人的操作能力。


AI4Math: 挑战与进展

刘征瀛,华为诺亚方舟实验室研究员,博士毕业于Université Paris-Saclay, 主要研究方向为 AI for Math 及大语言模型推理能力的理解与应用。

大语言模型(LLMs)在文本分类、机器翻译、文本摘要、常识问答等大多数自然语言处理的传统任务上已经达到了类人甚至超人的效果。然而,在符号推理、数学推理等任务上,LLMs 仍然具有较大的改进空间。我们将介绍近期我们在使用大语言模型进行符号推理任务比如定理证明、数学应用题求解的一些尝试,以及介绍我们提出的“硬化”的概念和相关的工作,有助于理解大语言模型的可解释性、提升推理效率及泛化性能。在定理证明问题上,我们提出的 LEGO-Prover 在证明定理的同时会不断添加引理来丰富定理库,在标准评测集 miniF2F 上达到远超 SotA 的水平(48% -> 57%)。我们还将结合 LEGO-Prover 探讨如何定义定理/工具的有用性以及如何提升所生成定理的复用性的问题。


Towards Revealing the Mystery Behind Chain of Thought in LLMs

贺笛是北京大学的助理教授和博士生导师,曾在微软亚洲研究院担任高级研究员。他的研究兴趣包括自然语言处理、图神经网络、以及机器学习技术在科学探索中的应用。贺笛及其团队获得KDD 2021的分子属性预测挑战赛冠军和NeurIPS 2021的分子动力学模拟挑战赛冠军。他在机器学习领域的顶级会议上发表了几十篇论文,长期担任过顶级机器学习会议领域的区域主席,是2023年ICLR的杰出论文奖获得者。



In-context Learning隐式更新机理研究

刘勇,中国人民大学,副教授,博士生导师。长期从事机器学习基础理论研究,共发表论文60余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表顶级期刊和会议论文近40篇,涵盖机器学习领域顶级期刊JMLR、IEEE TPAMI、Artificial Intelligence和顶级会议ICML、NeurIPS等。获中国人民大学“杰出学者”、中国科学院“青年创新促进会”成员、中国科学院信息工程研究所“引进优青”等称号。主持国家自然科学面上/基金青年、北京市面上项目、中科院基础前沿科学研究计划、腾讯犀牛鸟基金、CCF-华为胡杨林基金等项目。

预训练大语言模型表现出惊人的上下文学习能力(In-context Learning,ICL)。给定少数几个示例,模型在没有参数更新的情况下实现在新任务上表现出极好的学习性能,然而关于ICL的内在学习机理仍不清楚。将ICL的推理过程解释为一种对比学习模式下的隐式梯度更新过程,从对比学习的视角给出了ICL一种全新解释。此外,从对比学习的角度提出了几种改进原有ICL方法的思路。


生成式AI - 消费者洞察的game changer:探索智能技术在市场分析中的应用


随着生成式AI的迅速普及,它也为市场研究带来了更多可能性。在本次演讲中,我们将探讨生成式AI在消费者调研各环节的应用场景,并介绍极速洞察在结合生成式AI搭建业务模型、创新调研平台上的种种实践,一同探索生成式AI如何成为市场研究中的game changer,引领未来研究的新方向。




1. 文档智能背景与技术挑战 2.文档智能技术方案 3. 面向企业数字化场景的行业大模型建设 4.文档智能+行业大模型在企业数字化场景的技术落地应用







姚凯,中央财经大学商学院副教授,Credamo见数创始人,博士毕业于北大光华管理学院营销建模方向,美国宾大沃顿商学院联合培养博士,本科和硕士分别毕业于北师大和北大计算机系。研究领域包括:互联网营销、大数据营销、社会网络分析,论文发表于《营销科学学报》、《管理科学》、《Journal of Business Ethics》、《Enterprise Information Systems》等,曾主持和参与多个国家自然科学基金项目,同时负责市策大赛、心理精英赛两个全国性比赛的运营与执行工作。









10年以上互联网应用架构经验,在R、大数据、数据分析等方面有深厚的积累。精通量化投资交易策略,熟悉中国金融二级市场、交易规则和投研体系。 熟悉数据学科方法论,在海关、药监、外汇等监管科技领域均有落地项目。

著有《R的极客理想:量化投资篇》、《R的极客理想:工具篇》、《R的极客理想:高级开发篇》,图书英文版被CRC出版集团引进,在美国发行。个人博客:http://fens.me 。






高天辰,厦门大学数理统计博士在读,研究兴趣包括:复杂网络数据的统计建模,大数据营销,进化博弈论与生物统计。在《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C Applied Statistics》,《Statistics and Its Interface》、《经济管理学刊》等期刊发表或被接受论文5篇,参加编著《网络结构数据分析与应用》等教材。

Citation counts is a crucial factor in evaluating the quality of research papers. Therefore, it is vital to accurately predict citation counts and explore the mechanisms underlying citations. In this study, we focus on predicting the citation counts in the field of statistics. We collect 55,024 academic papers published in 43 statistics journals between 2001 and 2018. Furthermore, we collect and clean a high-quality dataset and then construct multi-layer networks from different perspectives, including journal networks, author citation networks, co-citation networks, co-authorship networks, and keyword co-occurrence networks. Additionally, we extract 77 factors for citation counts prediction, including 22 traditional and 55 network-related factors. To address the issues of zero-inflated and over-dispersed citation counts, a neural network model is designed to achieve high prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we adopt a leave-one-feature-out approach to investigate the importance of these factors. The proposed neural network model achieves an MAE value of 7.352, which outperforms other machine learning models in the comparison. Thus, this study provides a useful guide for researchers to predict citation counts and can be easily extended to other research fields.


Evaluating LLMs in Multi-turn Interaction with Tools and Language Feedback

Zihan Wang is an undergraduate student from GSAI, Renmin University of China, where he is currently advised by Prof. Zhicheng Dou. He works closely with Prof. Heng Ji from UIUC and Dr. Weiyan Shi from Stanford University. His research interest mainly lies in augmented language models, including (1) general language model interaction (2) the cross application of language models and information retrieval (IR) systems.

Current LLM evaluations focus on single-turn and overlook multi-turn real-world scenarios. We introduce the MINT benchmark to assess LLMs in interaction with tools and language feedback. Our study of 20 LLMs shows they benefit from multi-turn interactions, but current RLHF and SIFT methods might hinder this. MINT aims to encourage research on LLM multi-turn capabilities, especially in open-source models.


Boosting Language Models with High-quality Feedback

Lifan Yuan is a member of THUNLP, advised by Prof. Zhiyuan Liu. Currently, he is also a research intern at Blender NLP, UIUC, working with Prof. Heng Ji and Prof. Hao Peng. His research interests mainly lie in building trustworthy NLP systems, and he is also interested in enhancing LM agents through internal alignment (e.g., RLHF) and external interaction (with tools/feedback).

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has become a pivot technique in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. However, the scarcity of diverse, naturalistic datasets of human preferences on LLM outputs at scale poses a great challenge to RLHF as well as feedback learning research within the open-source community. This work investigates how high-quality feedback data can enhance LLMs.


















Social Behavior Analysis in Exclusive Enterprise Social Networks by FastHAND

王菲菲,中国人民大学统计学院副教授,北京大学光华管理学院统计学博士。研究上关注文本挖掘及其商业应用、社交网络分析、大数据建模等,研究论文发表于Journal of Econometric, Journal of Business and Econometric Statistics, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 中国科学(数学)等国内外高水平期刊上。主持并参与了国家自科基金项目、教育部社科重大项目、国家重点研发项目等多个课题。曾获中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖、课外教学优秀奖等。

There is an emerging trend in the Chinese automobile industries that automakers are introducing exclusive enterprise social networks (EESNs) to expand sales and provide after-sale services. The traditional online social networks (OSNs) and enterprise social networks (ESNs), such as Twitter and Yammer, are ingeniously designed to facilitate unregulated communications among equal individuals. However, users in EESNs are naturally social stratified, consisting of both enterprise staffs and customers. In addition, the motivation to operate EESNs can be quite complicated, including providing customer services and facilitating communication among enterprise staffs. As a result, the social behaviors in EESNs can be quite different from those in OSNs and ESNs. In this work, we aim to analyze the characteristics of social patterns in EESNs and study the driving forces of social link formation by formulating it as a link prediction problem in heterogeneous social networks. In a typical EESN provided by the Chinese car manufacturer NIO, we derive plentiful user features, build multiple meta-path graphs, and develop a novel Fast (H)eterogeneous graph (A)ttention (N)etwork algorithm for (D)irected graphs (FastHAND) to predict directed social links among users. The algorithm introduces feature group attentions in node-level and uses edge sampling algorithm over directed meta-path graphs to reduce the computation cost. Experimental results demonstrate the predictive power of our proposed method and our intuitions about social affinity propagation in EESNs.


Integration-free Training for Spatio-temporal Multimodal Covariate Deep Kernel Point Processes

周峰,中国人民大学统计学院讲师,中国人民大学杰出青年学者。主要从事统计机器学习、贝叶斯方法、随机过程等。现已在Journal of Machine Learning Research、Statistics and Computing、Machine Learning、ICLR、NeurIPS等期刊会议发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,中国博士后基金特别资助、面上资助,入选博士后国际交流计划引进项目,中国人民大学科研国际合作支持项目星火计划。

In this study, we propose a novel deep spatio-temporal point process model, Deep Kernel Mixture Point Processes (DKMPP), that incorporates multimodal covariate information. DKMPP is an enhanced version of Deep Mixture Point Processes (DMPP), which uses a more flexible deep kernel to model complex relationships between events and covariate data, improving the model's expressiveness. To address the intractable training procedure of DKMPP due to the non-integrable deep kernel, we utilize an integration-free method based on score matching, and further improve efficiency by adopting a scalable denoising score matching method. Our experiments demonstrate that DKMPP and its corresponding score-based estimators outperform baseline models, showcasing the advantages of incorporating covariate information, utilizing a deep kernel, and employing score-based estimators.


Trustworthy Policy Learning under the Counterfactual No-Harm Criterion

刘越,中国人民大学讲师,2019年博士毕业于北京大学。多篇文章发表于Journal of Machine Learning Research(JMLR), Artificial Intelligence(AIJ), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS), SIGKDD, International Conference on Machine Learning(ICML),The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence(UAI)等机器学习与统计学期刊及会议。

Trustworthy policy learning has significant importance in making reliable and harmless treatment decisions for individuals. Previous policy learning approaches aim at the well-being of subgroups by maximizing the utility function (e.g., conditional average causal effects, post-view click-through\&conversion rate in recommendations), however, individual-level counterfactual no-harm criterion has rarely been discussed. In this paper, we first formalize the counterfactual no-harm criterion for policy learning from a principal stratification perspective. Next, we propose a novel upper bound for the fraction negatively affected by the policy and show the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator. Based on the estimators for the policy utility and harm upper bounds, we further propose a policy learning approach that satisfies the counterfactual no-harm criterion, and prove its consistency to the optimal policy reward for parametric and non-parametric policy classes, respectively. Extensive experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed policy learning approach for satisfying the counterfactual no-harm criterion.


Empowering Collaborative Filtering with Principled Adversarial Contrastive Loss


Contrastive Learning (CL) has achieved impressive performance in self-supervised learning tasks, showing superior generalization ability. Inspired by the success, adopting CL into collaborative filtering (CF) is prevailing in semi-supervised top-K recommendations. The basic idea is to routinely conduct heuristic-based data augmentation and apply contrastive losses (e.g. InfoNCE) on the augmented views. Yet, some CF-tailored challenges make this adoption suboptimal, such as the issue of out-of-distribution, the risk of false negatives, and the nature of top-K evaluation. They necessitate the CL-based CF scheme to focus more on mining hard negatives and distinguishing false negatives from the vast unlabeled user-item interactions, for informative contrast signals. To bridge the gap, we delve into the reasons underpinning the success of contrastive loss in CF, and propose a principled Adversarial InfoNCE loss (AdvInfoNCE), which is a variant of InfoNCE, specially tailored for CF methods. AdvInfoNCE adaptively explores and assigns hardness to each negative instance in an adversarial fashion and further utilizes a fine-grained hardness-aware ranking criterion to empower the recommender's generalization ability. Training CF models with AdvInfoNCE, we validate the effectiveness of AdvInfoNCE on both synthetic and real-world benchmark datasets, thus showing its generalization ability to mitigate out-of-distribution problems.

Rong Ma

A Spectral Method for Assessing and Combining Multiple Data Visualizations

Rong Ma is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at Harvard University. He got his PhD in biostatistics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2021, where he was jointly advised by T. Tony Cai and Hongzhe Li. After that, he was a postdoctoral scholar in statistics at Stanford University, advised by David Donoho. Dr. Ma's research interest lies in the intersection of statistics and biomedical data science. He currently focuses on (i) statistical inference for large random matrices and high-dimensional models, (ii) theoretical and computational underpinning of modern nonlinear embedding techniques and manifold learning algorithms, and (iii) developing principled and interpretable machine learning methods for single-cell omics, microbiomics, and immunology.

Dimension reduction is an indispensable part of modern data science, and many algorithms have been developed. However, different algorithms have their own strengths and weaknesses, making it important to evaluate their relative performance, and to leverage and combine their individual strengths. This paper proposes a spectral method for assessing and combining multiple visualizations of a given dataset produced by diverse algorithms. The proposed method provides a quantitative measure -- the visualization eigenscore -- of the relative performance of the visualizations for preserving the structure around each data point. It also generates a consensus visualization, having improved quality over individual visualizations in capturing the underlying structure. Our approach is flexible and works as a wrapper around any visualizations. We analyze multiple real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. We also provide theoretical justifications based on a general statistical framework, yielding several fundamental principles along with practical guidance.

Jingshu Wang

Joint Trajectory Inference for Single-cell Genomics Using Deep Learning with a Mixture Prior

Jingshu Wang is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics, the University of Chicago. Her main research interest is in developing statistical methods for cutting-edge bio-technologies and genetic problems. She currently works on problems in single-cell omics, Mendelian Randomization and structural variation in the 3D genome. Her research also includes developing general statistical methodology in causal inference and hypotheses testing that arise from new challenges in genetics and public health.

Trajectory inference methods are essential for analyzing the developmental paths of cells in single-cell sequencing datasets. It provides insights into cellular differentiation, transitions, and lineage hierarchies, helping unravel the dynamic processes underlying development, disease progression, and tissue regeneration. However, many existing tools for trajectory inference lack a cohesive statistical model and reliable uncertainty quantification, limiting their utility and robustness. In this talk, I will introduce VITAE (Variational Inference for Trajectory by AutoEncoder), a novel statistical approach that integrates a latent hierarchical mixture model with variational autoencoders to infer trajectories. Notably, VITAE uniquely enables simultaneous trajectory inference and data integration across multiple datasets, enhancing accuracy in both tasks. I will show that VITAE outperforms other state-of-the-art trajectory inference methods on both real and synthetic data under various trajectory topologies. For case studies, I will apply VITAE to jointly analyze three distinct single-cell RNA sequencing datasets of the mouse neocortex, unveiling comprehensive developmental lineages of projection neurons. VITAE effectively mitigates batch effects within and across datasets, aligning cells to elucidate clear trajectories and uncover finer structures that might be overlooked in individual datasets. If time permits, I will also showcase VITAE’s efficacy in integrative analyses of multi-omic datasets with continuous cell population structures.

Zhe Chen

The role of randomization inference in unraveling individual treatment effect profiles in clinical trials

Zhe Chen is a PhD candidate in the Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, mentored by Professor Xinran Li. Her research interest lies in developing novel statistical methodologies for causal inference, with particular focuses on randomization-based inference, instrumental variable, statistical matching and their applications in health and medicine.

Randomization inference is a powerful tool in early phase vaccine trials to estimate the causal effect of a regimen against a placebo or another regimen. In this talk, we will first review randomization-based inference for testing two commonly used causal null hypothesis: Fisher’s sharp null hypothesis of no treatment effect for any unit and Neyman’s weak null hypothesis of no sample average treatment effect. We then introduce a new class of causal estimands: quantiles of individual treatment effects (ITEs). Compared to the conventional focus on average treatment effects, the ITE quantiles are more robust to extreme individual treatment effects and can better characterize the heterogeneous treatment effect profiles across all individuals in the population of interest. We derive two randomization-based, finite-sample valid inferential methods for ITE quantiles and show how to conduct valid simultaneous inference for distribution functions of ITEs. Next, we will discuss how to extend some existing methods to incorporating useful auxiliary information, e.g., the assay-specific limit of detection, that is often available in a vaccine trial. In a simulation study, we compare various methods for inferring ITE quantiles under many practical data-generating processes. Lastly, we apply various methods to an early-phase clinical trial, HIV Vaccine Trials Network Study 086 (HVTN 086), to showcase the usefulness of these methods in unraveling ITE profiles in clinical trials.


Do Transformers Parse while Predicting the Masked Word?

Haoyu Zhao is a graduate student at Princeton University, advised by Prof. Sanjeev Arora. He is interested in general machine learning and natural language processing, especially the intersection between deep learning theory and NLP. Prior to Princeton, he graduated from Tsinghua University in 2016.

Pre-trained language models have been shown to encode linguistic structures, e.g. dependency and constituency parse trees, in their embeddings while being trained on unsupervised loss functions like masked language modeling. Some doubts have been raised whether the models actually are doing parsing or only some computation weakly correlated with it. We study questions: (a) Is it possible to explicitly describe transformers with realistic embedding dimension, number of heads, etc. that are capable of doing parsing -- or even approximate parsing? (b) Why do pre-trained models capture parsing structure? In this talk, we take a step toward answering these questions in the context of generative modeling with PCFGs. We show that masked language models like BERT or RoBERTa of moderate sizes can approximately execute the Inside-Outside algorithm for the English PCFG [Marcus et al, 1993]. We also show that the Inside-Outside algorithm is optimal for masked language modeling loss on the PCFG-generated data. We also give a construction of transformers with 50 layers, 15 attention heads, and 1275 dimensional embeddings in average such that using its embeddings it is possible to do constituency parsing with >70% F1 score on PTB dataset. We conduct probing experiments on models pre-trained on PCFG-generated data to show that this not only allows recovery of approximate parse tree, but also recovers marginal span probabilities computed by the Inside-Outside algorithm, which suggests an implicit bias of masked language modeling towards this algorithm.


The role of over-parametrization in non-convex optimization: A case study of matrix sensing

Ziye Ma is a fifth year PhD student at EECS, UC Berkeley. He is supervised by Somayeh Sojoudi and Javad Lavaei. His research interests broadly lie in the field of mathmatical optimization, machine learning, and nonconvexity.

This talk concerns the role of over-parametrization in solving non-convex optimization problems. The focus is on the important class of low-rank matrix sensing, where the authors propose an infinite hierarchy of non-convex problems via the lifting technique and the Burer-Monteiro factorization. This contrasts with the existing over-parametrization technique where the search rank is limited by the dimension of the matrix and it does not allow a rich over-parametrization of an arbitrary degree. It has been shown that by using the gradient descent algorithm with small initialization, spurious solutions of the problem can be transformed into strict saddle points (under some technical conditions). This is the first result in the literature showing that over-parametrization creates a negative curvature for escaping spurious solutions. As a corollary, the authors also show that implicit regularization can be expected in tensor optimization problems, underlying the importantce of a suitable optimization algorithm in the context of an over-parametrized search space.


Implicit Regularization Leads to Benign Overfitting for Sparse Linear Regression

Mo Zhou is currently a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Duke University, advised by Prof. Rong Ge. Before coming to Duke, he received B.S. in Statistics from Yuanpei College at Peking University in 2019. His research interests are in optimization and theoretical machine learning. Recently, he is interested in deep learning theory, especially from an optimization perspective.

In deep learning, often the training process finds an interpolator (a solution with 0 training loss), but the test loss is still low. This phenomenon, known as benign overfitting, is a major mystery that received a lot of recent attention. One common mechanism for benign overfitting is implicit regularization, where the training process leads to additional properties for the interpolator, often characterized by minimizing certain norms. However, even for a simple sparse linear regression problem, neither minimum ℓ1 or ℓ2 norm interpolator gives the optimal test loss. In this work, we give a different parametrization of the model which leads to a new implicit regularization effect that combines the benefit of ℓ1 and ℓ2 interpolators. We show that training our new model via gradient descent leads to an interpolator with near-optimal test loss. Our result is based on careful analysis of the training dynamics and provides another example of implicit regularization effect that goes beyond norm minimization.


 {mmrm}:a robust and comprehensive R package for implementing mixed models for repeated measures

Liming Li is senior data scientist at Roche since 2019. He is now the technical engineering lead of NEST project at Roche, and also member of mmrm taskforce of Software Engineering Working Group (SWE WG) under the American Statistical Association (ASA) Biopharmaceutical Section (BIOP). Liming has a master degree in biostatistics from Fudan University.

Mixed models for repeated measures (MMRM) analysis has been extensively used in the pharmaceutical industry to analyze longitudinal datasets. SAS has been the gold standard for this analysis in the past, and so far R packages fall short for one of the following reasons: model convergence issues, unavailability of covariance structures or adjusted degrees of freedom, or numerical results being far from SAS. To fill in this important gap in the open-source statistical software landscape, cross-company collaboration via the “Software Engineering Workgroup” (SWE WG) has been initiated and developed the new {mmrm} R package. A critical advantage of {mmrm} over existing implementations is that it is faster and converges more reliably. It also provides a comprehensive set of features: users can specify a variety of covariance matrices, weight observations, fit models with restricted or standard maximum likelihood inference, perform hypothesis testing with Satterthwaite or Kenward-Roger adjusted degrees of freedom, extract the least square means estimates using the emmeans package, and use tidymodels for easy model fitting. We aim to establish {mmrm} as a new standard for fitting MMRM.

Joe Zhu

Clinical reporting with NEST packages

Joe Zhu is the lead software engineer of the NEST project at Roche. He has a PhD in statistics. Before joining Roche, Joe took two postdoc research positions at the University of Oxford, with a research focus on statistical genomics. He is an open source software advocate and developer; more details can be found at http://www.github.com/shajoezhu

New data types require new tools and methodologies and there is a need in biometrics to respond quickly to understand the ever increasing growth of data generated from clinical trials. In recent years, analysis software tools have taken huge leaps forward. Therefore, we have seized the business opportunity to build an R-based toolkit that will allow us to meet these challenges. So far, we have open sourced several of our key packages on Github and the CRAN. Many of our packages are well received by users. I would like to share some of our most recent updates including new open-source packages and tlg-catalog.










ReHLine: Regularized Composite ReLU-ReHU Loss Minimization with Linear Computation and Linear Convergence

戴奔是香港中文大学统计系的助理教授。 主要研究领域包括机器学习、学习理论、统计推断和统计计算。 同时对开发统计和机器学习软件感兴趣。

Empirical risk minimization (ERM) is a crucial framework that offers a general approach to handling a broad range of machine learning tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, called ReHLine, for minimizing a set of regularized ERMs with convex piecewise linear-quadratic loss functions and optional linear constraints. The proposed algorithm can effectively handle diverse combinations of loss functions, regularizations, and constraints, making it particularly well-suited for complex domain-specific problems. Examples of such problems include FairSVM, elastic net regularized quantile regression, Huber minimization, etc.
In addition, ReHLine enjoys a provable linear convergence rate and exhibits a per-iteration computational complexity that scales linearly with the sample size. The algorithm is implemented with both Python and R interfaces, and its performance is benchmarked on various tasks and datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that ReHLine significantly surpasses generic optimization solvers in terms of computational efficiency on large-scale datasets. Moreover, it also outperforms specialized solvers such as liblinear in SVM, hqreg in Huber minimization and lightning(SAGA, SAG, SDCA, SVRG) in smooth SVM, exhibiting exceptional flexibility and efficiency.


TransGraph: an R package for transfer graph learning


Transfer learning, aiming to use auxiliary domains to help improve learning of the target domain of interest when multiple heterogeneous datasets are available, has been a hot topic in statistical machine learning. The recent transfer learning methods with statistical guarantees mainly focus on the overall parameter transfer for supervised models in the ideal case with the informative auxiliary domains with overall similarity. In contrast, transfer learning for unsupervised graph learning is in its infancy and largely follows the idea of overall parameter transfer as for supervised learning, not to mention the absence of a comprehensive statistical software. In this talk, I will introduce the newly released R package, TransGraph, and our recent series of relevant research on transfer learning for several complex graphical models, including Tensor Gaussian graphical models, non-Gaussian directed acyclic graph (DAG), and Gaussian graphical mixture models (GGMMs). Notably, this package promotes local transfer at node-level and subgroup-level in DAG structural learning and GGMMs, respectively, which are more flexible and robust than the existing overall parameter transfer. As by-products, transfer learning for undirected graphical model (precision matrix) via D-trace loss, transfer learning for mean vector estimation, and single non-Gaussian DAG learning via topological layer method are also included in this package.


earth.dof.patch: an R package for Correcting Degrees of Freedom of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines


Model degrees of freedom (df) is a fundamental concept in statistics because it quantifies the flexibility of a fitting procedure and is indispensable in model selection. The df is often intuitively equated with the number of independent variables in the fitting procedure. But for adaptive regressions that perform variable selection (e.g., the best subset regressions), the model df is larger than the number of selected variables. The excess part has been defined as the search degrees of freedom (sdf) to account for the search cost in model selection. For some complex procedures such as the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), the search cost needs to be pre-determined to serve as a tuning parameter for the procedure itself, but it might be inaccurate. To investigate the inaccurate pre-determined search cost, we introduce two novel concepts, nominal df and actual df, and formulate a property named “self-consistency”, which denotes the absence of a gap between nominal df and actual df. We propose a correcting procedure tailored for MARS, which is shown to improve the fitting performance based on extensive simulation studies.

Linjun Zhang

Fair conformal prediction and risk control

Linjun Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, at Rutgers University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Statistics at the Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania in 2019, and received J.Parker Bursk Memorial Prize and Donald S. Murray Prize for excellence in research and teaching, respectively upon graduation. His current research interests include algorithmic fairness, privacy-preserving data analysis, deep learning theory, and high-dimensional statistics.

Multi-calibration is a powerful and evolving concept originating in the field of algorithmic fairness. For a predictor $f$ that estimates the outcome y given covariates $x$, and for a function class $C$, multi-calibration requires that the predictor $f(x)$ and outcome y are indistinguishable under the class of auditors in $C$. Fairness is captured by incorporating demographic subgroups into the class of functions $C$. Recent work has shown that, by enriching the class $C$ to incorporate appropriate propensity re-weighting functions, multi-calibration also yields target-independent learning, wherein a model trained on a source domain performs well on unseen, future target domains(approximately) captured by the re-weightings. The multi-calibration notion is extended, and the power of an enriched class of mappings is explored. HappyMap, a generalization of multi-calibration, is proposed, which yields a wide range of new applications, including a new fairness notion for uncertainty quantification (conformal prediction), a novel technique for conformal prediction under covariate shift, and a different approach for fair risk control, while also yielding a unified understanding of several existing seemingly disparate algorithmic fairness notions and target-independent learning approaches. A single HappyMap meta-algorithm is given that captures all these results, together with a sufficiency condition for its success.

Ruoxi Jia

Data Intelligence in Machine Learning: A New Pathway Towards Responsible AI

Ruoxi Jia is an assistant professor in the the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. She earned her PhD in the EECS Department from UC Berkeley and a B.S. from Peking University. Jia's research interest lies broadly in the span of machine learning, security, privacy, and cyber-physical systems. Jia's recent work focuses on data-centric and trustworthy machine learning. Ruoxi is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, the Chiang Fellowship for Graduate Scholars in Manufacturing and Engineering, the 8108 Alumni Fellowship, and the Okamatsu Fellowship, Virginia’s Commonwealth Cyber Initiative award, Cisco Research Awards, and Amazon-VT Initiative Research Awards. She was selected for the Rising Stars in EECS in 2017. Ruoxi’s work has been featured in multiple media outlets such as New York Times, MIT Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, and Wired.

The pivotal role of large datasets in propelling the advancements of modern machine learning applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and multi-modal learning cannot be overstated. While machine learning algorithms are often indiscriminate aggregators of given data sources, resulting in 'bad data leading to bad outcomes,' the central theme of our research advocates for a more deliberate approach. This involves understanding how data is transduced within a machine learning system, its impact on outcomes, and how one can actively select data for creating an efficient and robust machine learning solution. In pursuit of this goal, we will present a series of our recent works regarding principled frameworks for data sourcing, data selection, and data-based model behavior attribution.

Zhanrui Cai

Private Estimation and Inference in HighDimensional Regression with FDR Control

蔡占锐现为香港大学经管学院助理教授,研究兴趣包括differential privacy, distribution-free inference 等。之前他曾是爱荷华州立大学统计系助理教授,并于卡耐基梅隆大学作博士后研究员。他于宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得博士学位。

In this paper, we presents novel methodologies for conducting practical differentially private (DP) estimation and inference in high-dimensional linear regression. We start by proposing a differentially private Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for selecting the unknown sparsity parameter in DP-Lasso, eliminating the need for prior knowledge of model sparsity, a requisite in the existing literature. Then we propose a differentially private debiased LASSO algorithm that enables privacy-preserving inference on regression parameters. Our proposed method enables accurate and private inference on the regression parameters by leveraging the inherent sparsity of highdimensional linear regression models. Additionally, we address the issue of multiple testing in high-dimensional linear regression by introducing a differentially private multiple testing procedure that controls the false discovery rate (FDR). This allows for accurate and privacy-preserving identification of significant predictors in the regression model. Through extensive simulations and real data analysis, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed methods in conducting inference for high-dimensional linear models while safeguarding privacy and controlling the FDR.

Xiaohu Zhu


Uplifts Life、Center for Safe AGI和University AI创始人,中国首位通用人工智能安全研究员,谷歌机器学习GDE,Future Forum ’22 中国唯一入选人,Foresight Institute Fellow in Safe AGI、 中国伦理学会技术伦理分会成员。与Foresight Institute、DeepMind、OpenAI、Center for Human-Compatible AI、Future of Humanity Institute 和 Future of Life Institute 长期交流合作。《深入浅出神经网络与深度学习》、《人工智能缔造师》、《人工智能对齐通讯》和《人工智能蓝图》译者。《通用人工智能安全和治理》作者。











科学的前进和创新依赖科学社区对新颖知识的探索。过去对于知识新颖性的考察主要基于一些外在的编码体系下知识组合方式的测量,或是基于文本中是否出现新名词或者新概念。基于思想建立在文字的基础上的假设,本研究试图利用生成式语言模型来考察科学行文中的语言使用新颖程度,语言新颖程度与其它新颖性指标的关系,以及语言新颖程度与文章影响力之间的关系。 生成式语言模型因其对语言本身的建模这方面具有独特优势,特别地,基于上下文预测下一个词的概率,可能天然提供了对语言表达新颖程度的衡量。本研究试图提供这一方向上的初步尝试,来更好理解语言使用模式和思想创新之间的关联。


Quantifying the Link Between Promotional Language and a Scientific Idea’s Funding Potential, Inherent Innovativeness, and Future Impact

邱慧莲,美国西北大学管理学院博士后。研究方向为开源软件团队,Science of Science.

Showing the merits of an original idea opens the door to its use. Though much is known about the generative factors that promote scientific ideas in practice, including funding, teams, diversity, or mentorship, less is known about how scientists communicate the merits of their goods ideas to each other. Indeed, the penchant to view the communication process as an afterthought to scientific idea generation rather than a critical facet of discovery in its own right has inhibited advances within science in areas as critical as vaccinations, climate science, and gene theory. Here, we study a ubiquitous science communication process in grant writing that seeks funding support for new ideas. We examine links between scientific promotional language and an original idea’s funding potential, inherent innovativeness, and future impact. Promotional language has become more prevalent in grants than words reflecting rigor, and may help communicate the originality, methods, and potential future directions of innovative ideas (or exaggerate them). Nevertheless, the influence of promotional language in science is broadly unknown. We analyze tens of thousands of grants from three prominent funding agencies worldwide. Uniquely, this grant application data includes both funded and rejected proposals, mitigating the sample selection bias of most prior studies. Our analyses demonstrate a robust relationship between promotional language and the communication of scientific innovation. First, the number of promotional words in a grant predicts the funding decision with up to a four-fold increase in the probability of receiving funding. Second, promotional words reflect a grant’s degree of innovativeness and expected citation impact. Third, computer experiments that replace the observed promotional words with neutral synonyms but keep all the remaining language intact suggest that promotional words can change reviewers’ overall impressions of a proposal’s quality. With the pivotal role of grants in selecting scientifically promising innovations and nurturing careers, we discuss the implications of our findings for speeding discovery, managing scarce scientific resources, and science policy.



陈旭,博士毕业于清华大学,曾在英国伦敦大学学院进行博士后研究,于2020年加入中国人民大学。他的研究方向为大语言模型、因果推断、强化学习等。曾在TheWebConf、AIJ、SIGIR、NeurIPS、ICML、TOIS等著名国际会议/期刊发表论文70余篇,Google Scholar引用4600余次。研究成果曾获得TheWebConf 2018最佳论文提名奖、CIKM 2022 最佳资源论文Runner Up 奖、AIRS 2017最佳论文奖、CCF自然科学二等奖(排名第二),ACM-北京新星奖等。他主持/参与了多项国家自然科学基金项目以及企业合作项目。



Diversity-Driven Reinforcement Learning

Yi Wu is now an assistant professor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from UC Berkeley in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Stuart Russell and was a researcher at OpenAI before moving back to Tsinghua. His research focuses on improving the generalization capabilities of learning agents. He is broadly interested in a variety of topics in AI, including deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, robot learning and human-AI interaction. His representative works include the value iteration network, the MADDPG/MAPPO algorithm, and OpenAI's hide-and-seek project. He also received the best paper award at NIPS 2016.

In the classical reinforcement learning (RL) formulation, reward is often the only performance metric for an algorithm. Accordingly, existing RL literature primarily focuses on developing algorithms that can achieve high rewards while rarely considering which solution is derived. However, we will show that (optimal) policies with the same reward can yield substantially different behaviors in popular RL testbeds. Moreover, many of the (optimal) behaviors can be hardly discovered by classical RL algorithms that only strive for rewards. In this talk, we present recent advances in developing diversity-driven RL algorithms, which not only optimize rewards but also aim to discover a broad spectrum of policies with visually distinct behaviors.


Policy evaluation in reinforcement learning: Mixing and mis-specification

Yaqi Duan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics at Stern School of Business at New York University. Duan’s research interests lie at the intersection of statistics, machine learning and operations research, with a focus on new statistical methodologies and theories to address challenges in data-driven decision-making problems. Her work in reinforcement learning was honored with the 2023 IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award. Duan earned her Ph.D. from Princeton University and a B.S. in Mathematics from Peking University. Prior to joining NYU Stern, Duan was a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, working with Professor Martin J. Wainwright.

We consider non-parametric estimation of the value function of an infinite-horizon discounted Markov reward process (MRP) using kernel-based least-squares temporal difference (LSTD) method. Our focus is on understanding how temporal dependence in data and model mis-specification impact the quality of estimation. We find that, under a well-specified model, temporal dependence in data has little effect on the estimation error. However, when there is significant model mis-specification, temporal dependence starts to negatively affect estimation quality. Consequently, the choice of how to harness data should depend on our confidence in the model’s fidelity. Our theory includes non-asymptotic upper bounds and matching minimax lower bounds, providing complementary insights into the observed phenomena.


Correcting for Interference in Experiments: A Case Study at Douyin

Tianyi Peng is an (incoming) assistant professor at Decision, Risk, and Operations Division of Columbia University. He is broadly interested in developing algorithms for learning and inference in large-scale dynamic decision-making systems. In particular, he is interested in developing next-generation experimentation/simulation platforms, aiding with reinforcement learning and generative AI, which can provide low-cost solutions for discovering/evaluating beneficial strategies. In translating these ideas, he is engaged with Anheuser-Busch InBev, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, TikTok, and Liberty Mutual. His work has been recognized as a finalist for the MSOM Student Paper Competition, and has won the INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize, Applied Probability Society Best Student Paper Prize, and Jeff McGill Student Paper Award. He earned his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and his Bachelor's degree from the Yao Class.

Interference is a ubiquitous problem in experiments conducted on two-sided content marketplaces, such as Douyin (China’s analog of TikTok). In many cases, creators are the natural unit of experimentation, but creators interfere with each other through competition for viewers’ limited time and attention. “Naive” estimators currently used in practice simply ignore the interference, but in doing so incur bias on the order of the treatment effect. We formalize the problem of inference in such experiments as one of policy evaluation. Off-policy estimators, while unbiased, are impractically high variance. We introduce a novel Monte-Carlo estimator, based on “Differences-in-Qs” (DQ) techniques, which achieves bias that is second-order in the treatment effect, while remaining sample-efficient to estimate. On the theoretical side, our contribution is to develop a generalized theory of Taylor expansions for policy evaluation, which extends DQ theory to all major MDP formulations. On the practical side, we implement our estimator on Douyin’s experimentation platform, and in the process develop DQ into a truly “plug-and-play” estimator for interference in real-world settings: one which provides robust, low-bias, low-variance treatment effect estimates; admits computationally cheap, asymptotically exact uncertainty quantification; and reduces MSE by 99% compared to the best existing alternatives in our applications.












文生图模型因其生成高质量图像的能力在公众中大受欢迎。然而,由于自然语言的复杂性和模糊性,制定有效的提示词以得到预期的结果是一件具有挑战性的事情。我们提出了一个可视分析系统PromptMagician,来帮助用户探索提示词的图像结果,并迭代优化提示词。系统的核心是一个提示词推荐模型,它以用户提示词作为输入,从 DiffusionDB 中检索相似的提示词-图片对,并识别其中的重要关键词。为了促进用户的交互式提示词探索和改进,PromptMagician引入了多层次可视化技术来展示检索图像和推荐关键词,并支持用户指定多维度的标准进行个性化探索。通过两个使用案例、一项用户研究和专家访谈证明了我们系统的有效性和可用性,表明该系统促进了提示词优化,并提高了文生图模型的创造力支持。



高琳,复旦大学大数据学院硕士研究生,复旦大学可视分析与智能决策实验室成员,导师为陈思明老师。目前研究方向为交互式教育与领域大模型可视分析,相关工作发表于IEEE VIS 2023。

深度学习的发展激发了人们对获取深度学习模型中知识和技能的兴趣。然而,由于其复杂的网络结构和抽象的数据表示,初学者在学习和理解 Transformer 模型时面临许多困难与挑战。因此,本次报告将分享面向科普教育的交互式视觉解释分析系统 TransforLearn,以交互式的方式帮助初学者更好地理解 Transformer 模型的训练过程。



Guande Wu is a Ph.D. candidate in Tandon School of Engineering, New York University. My advisor is Prof. Claudio T. Silva. His research mainly lies in the human-AI collaboration and visual data storytelling. Previously, he has worked with many outstanding experts in visualizatio at Zhejiang University, Tongji University, UC Davis and Microsoft Research Asia and Adobe Research.
